Fit$ — the game

5 min readSep 9, 2021

Big shifts are possible even with small changes in routines. As the saying goes, “health is wealth”, and in this age of the pandemic, every calorie of fitness counts in making us feel better and safer. Our mission is to assist you on this journey.

The game revolves around the concept of ‘Pods’ and ‘Cards’. It is a strategy game that is powered by your calories. ‘Pods’ is a place where you gather your friends and family to play the game.

Imagine a scenario where you want to train for a half marathon. Let’s say you have a few like-minded friends or partner that wants to join you on this journey. You can start a pod with this small group and let the training begin! Each week, you can compete amongst each other to build each other up, push each other harder.

So, what’s the strategy part?

The objective of the game is to earn the highest ‘Pod points’ during the duration of the game (challenge). Each calorie burnt and step taken contributes towards the Pod points. However, you can change the rate at which you or your opponents earn points or increase the maximum points by playing ‘Cards’. Cards let you strategize the gameplay.

Putting it all together, we can envision several scenarios. We have tried to capture one of the scenarios in the form of a story. Play along.

Let’s meet our characters — a close-knit friends group of Grace, Gita, Hashim, and John.

Grace is in her fifties and leads a quiet but active lifestyle. Long hikes on the weekends, evening strolls, and jog during the week — she is always on the move. Her trusted partner and ever-loyal — a Siberian Huskie being a constant, comforting presence.

Gita is a lawyer and a recent mom. With her infant son getting into some sort of rhythm and sleeping through the night, she has been considering getting back into a routine herself. Her desire to burn some calories to feel better and get some much-needed mental clarity has been on the rise. She has started joining Grace and Buster on their evening strolls.

Her husband, John, is experiencing the thrill and fatigue of being a new father. He has discovered the joy of stroller jogging which gives him valuable time in the fresh air with his little one.

Hashim is a good family friend of John & Gita. He is an avid fitness enthusiast and loves to give the young couple tips on getting healthy and staying fit.

One summer evening, returning from their evening jaunt, the gang discusses how grateful they are to have this special time where they can exercise and get a bit fitter. Gita remarks that one day she would like to be able to run a half marathon. They all agree — it seemed to be a wonderful goal to aspire towards.

Later that night, once they tucked their son to bed, Gita and John start a pod called ‘Quadrangle’. They invite their friends Grace and Hashim to join the pod. And, so begins their journey towards a shared dream of running the marathon. Luckily, for them, Hashim was usually a strong motivating influence. He would talk about various fitness-related aspects like the importance of stretching before and after a run, how to hydrate and fuel their bodies on a regular basis.

Gita enjoyed setting up weekly challenges for the gang. She noticed how with each passing week, the average calories of their group start to go up steadily. The strategy of using cards to motivate, challenge, compete but still support each other was paying dividends on their long campaign. Each of them had their own strengths and they learned to lean into those strengths. Gita realized she loved to work out at the crack of dawn while John watched the baby. John enjoyed working out in the dull parts of the afternoon for a pick-me-up. They continued their evening rituals of strolls with the baby to rack up points and a family outing.

Their journey towards their shared goal of a marathon run mirrored the growth of baby Alex. Fall approached quickly and the leaves turned all shades of splendid colors, it was hard to believe how the summer months had screamed by. As baby Alex began to discover stumbling in his exuberant quest of learning to walk, the gang was poised for their first marathon run through the fall foliage. As baby Alex tussled with her puppy, Grace leaned over to Gita — “Get a good picture of this, it will be a cute one”. Gita beamed as she captured the moment.

Hashim was overjoyed — as a coach, nothing pleased him more than people giving 100%. Consistently. He relished the opportunity to positively influence others. And, in this case, he was grateful to see the impact of his words and thoughts on his close friends. He knew that gift of fitness and health is the best one you can be a part of. And, this journey that they undertook as a group was a well-nourished seed.

Gita was no stranger to pain. She also knew the joy of savoring the results. Every time she looked at baby Alex, she felt that joy. His baby steps filled her with pride that defied explanation but did not need one. The soreness that she felt today was a culmination of their other endeavor. She was filled with pride in what they had accomplished by wrapping up the Fall marathon. As John and Gita looked through the collection of challenges, they felt content. They were just getting started.

Well, it got a bit soapy but you get the idea. Our mission is to assist and be part of your fitness journey. We have only focused on adding elements that we think will help you with the fitness campaigns that you will launch with your friends and family. If we are able to help even a small group of people to get a little bit fitter in the process, that’s the win we hope for.




Solopreneur developing a gamified app to help improve your fitness levels. Author of Teeth, Germs, and Fairies