2 min readDec 4, 2021


Thanks for the question Gary!....not offended as criticism is good (as long as it is not trolling).

The article was meant to be a primer but let me try to clarify a bit.

At the lowest level of the writing hierarchy is a style that spans dis-connected topics, ideas. A pyramid is widest at it base. So, I compared this style of writing to a wider dimension (audience type, content categories, number of authors writing in this style). The impact of such writing on audience is also very diffused. The content could generate intellectual curiosity but is unlikely to emotionally move the audience. In a connected fashion to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, many writers have to write a lot of wide-ranging junk before they find their voice.

To be able to operate at the next level, you need to have developed some expertise, background. This will take both time and thought. Consequently, there will be fewer authors who can get traction on specific topics. I likened this to a narrowing of the dimension as you go up.

Lastly, writing out of passion for a cause. The cause could be the life of your primary character or your calling to improve people's lives. At this point, you are directly communicating from 'why' you write to begin with, I am thinking, even fewer authors arrive at this point. This style of writing is very 'pointed' and is able to evoke strong emotional response from their readers.

My own writing has evolved (a bit) from earlier days but I am still looking to find my voice. I still talk about random ideas and topics because it's fun. I am wondering if it will evolve to the next level (per my perception).

Obviously, there is no Maslow's hierarchy of writing. It's my vision of how writing style will evolve. Thanks for reading.




Solopreneur developing a gamified app to help improve your fitness levels. Author of Teeth, Germs, and Fairies